Groups of Cancer

Major Groups of Cancer
(1) Carcinomas:         
            -90% of all human cancers
            -cancers of epithelial origin
         cells lining internal organs
         glandular tissue
(2) Sarcomas:
-cells of connective tissue origin
(3) Leukemias & lymphomas:          
-8% of all human cancers
-blood-forming cells and cells of immune s

Cancer Curability

Acute leukemia
Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma
(some aggressive types)
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Wilm’s tumor
Ewing’s sarcoma
Testicular carcinoma

Occasional Response
Soft tissue sarcoma
Brain cancer
Non small cell lung cancer
Head and neck cancer
Urinary bladder transitional cell cancer

Improved Survival
Neuroblastoma, child
Aggressive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Small cell lung cancer
Breast cancer
Colorectal cancer
Osteogenic sarcoma

Malignant melanoma
Pancreatic cancer
Renal cell cancer

Cancer survival from diagnoosis

Groups of Cancer Groups of Cancer Reviewed by M H Islam on 7:05 AM Rating: 5
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