Loss on drying

Loss on drying Loss on drying (LOD): The moisture in a solid can be expressed on a wet-weight or dry-weight basis. On a wet-we...
- 8:26 AM
Loss on drying Loss on drying Reviewed by M H Islam on 8:26 AM Rating: 5

General principles

Terminology/ General principles Bound moisture: Bound moisture in a solid is that liquid which is retained in a manner th...
- 10:08 AM
General principles General principles Reviewed by M H Islam on 10:08 AM Rating: 5


Drying Drying: Drying generally refers to the removal of a liquid from a solid by evaporation. So it is defined as the removal of a l...
- 5:21 PM
Drying Drying Reviewed by M H Islam on 5:21 PM Rating: 5

Benzoic Acid

Benzoic Acid Determination of distribution co-efficient of benzoic acid between ether and water .   PRINCIPLE : When two solut...
- 10:27 AM
Benzoic Acid Benzoic Acid Reviewed by M H Islam on 10:27 AM Rating: 5

Strong Acid

Strong Acid Determination of heat of neutralization between a strong base and strong acid.             PRINCIPLE: Heat of neutr...
- 6:17 AM
Strong Acid Strong Acid Reviewed by M H Islam on 6:17 AM Rating: 5
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