Loss on drying

Loss on drying

Loss on drying (LOD): The moisture in a solid can be expressed on a wet-weight or dry-weight basis.
On a wet-weight basis, the moisture content of a material is calculated as a percentage of the weight of the wet solid whereas on the dry-weight basis, the moisture content is expressed as a percentage of the weight of the dry solid.
            The term ‘loss on drying’ commonly referred to as ‘LOD’ is an expression of moisture content on a wet-weight basis, which is calculated as follows—
                        % LOD           =           ´ 100

Moisture content: The moisture in a wet-solid is calculated on a dry-wt. basis. This value is referred to as moisture content (MC)—
                        % MC             =           ´ 100
Example: If exactly 5gm of moist solid is brought to a constant dry-weight of 3gm.
\         MC      =           ´ 100    =          66.7%
            Whereas, LOD =        ´ 100    =          40%
LOD values can vary in any solid-fluid mixture from slightly above 0% to slightly below 100%, but the MC values can change from slightly above 0% and approach in infinity.
5% moisture means a compound with 100gm (bone dry comp) contain 5gm moisture.
Bone drying --> completely free from moisture.

Humidity: The concentration of water vapor in a gas is called the humidity of the gas.
Loss on drying Loss on drying Reviewed by M H Islam on 8:26 AM Rating: 5
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