Benzoic Acid

Benzoic Acid
Determination of distribution co-efficient of benzoic acid between ether and water .

When two solute is shaken up with two liquids which are immiscible with each other , but  in both of which the solute is soluble, then the solute is soluble , then the solute is found to distribute itself between the two solvents in such a way the ratio of the concentration of the solute in the two liquids is constant at constant temperature .

If C1 and C2 are the concentration of the solute in solvent 1 and solvent 2 respectively, then

                        ------------- =KD  = Constant   

The ratio KD  is known as the distribution co-efficient or partition co-efficient .If the benzoic acid is shaken with ether and water it will dissolve in both liquids . So KD may be expressed as

                           [BA] in organic layer              C2
                 KD = ----------------------------- = -------------- ( BA= Benzoic acid )
                               [BA] in aqueous layer               C1
                             SV2      x    V                V2
                       =---------    ------------ = -------
                               V             SV1                  V1

         C2  =  Cone of benzoic acid in ether layer.
         C1 =  Cone of benzoic acid in water .
         V2   = Volume of NaoH required to titrate ‘V’ ml of organic layer.
         V1 = Volume of NaoH required to titrate ‘V’ ml of aqueous layer .
            S  = Strength of NaOH .
                               At first we prepare 0.1(N) oxalic acid solution and 0.1(N) NaOH solution. Then titrate to find exact 0.1(N) of NaOH solution in the following way.

                   V1=                                                             V2 =  
                    S1=                                                             S2 =

We know that,  V1 S1 = V2 S2
                                               V1 S1
                  =>  S2 = ---------- = --------------- =
Let the  volume ‘V’ of exact 0.1(N) of NaOH solution
                 S V = S1V1

                   =>  V = ----------- = ------------- (y) V = (y) ml =

Now we add ( 100-y) ml of water with ( y) ml of NaOH which strength is S (N) and then we get 100ml of 0.1N NaOH solution.

Again we titrate organic layer and aqueous layer with exact  0.1(N) NaOH  solution. Then we get the following data –


                      i) Three Stoppered bottles .
         ii) Burette & Pipette .
         iii) Conical flask
         iv) Shaking machine .


                        a) Solid benzoic acid
                   b) Ether
                   c) Oxalic acid
                   d) Sodium hydroxide
                   e) Phenolphthalein .


                           i) Prepare 200ml solution of 0.1(N) benzoic acid in eather .

                       ii) Take solution in 250ml boottles in the following ratio .

                                         Eather                                water
                                           40                                       60
                                           50                                       50
                                           60                                       40
                      iii)Shake for one hour .

                      iv) Titrate organic and aqueous layer with standardized sodium hydroxide solution .

Experimental data for Organic Layer :

No.of  Observation between ether & water
Volume of  organic layer
N/10 NaOH solution in burette
Difference in volume V2  


           40 : 60

           50 : 50

           60 : 40

Experimental data for aqueous Layer :

No.of  Observation between ether & water
Volume of  aqueous layer
N/10 NaOH solution in burette
Difference in volume V1  


           40 : 60

           50 : 50

           60 : 40

For 40 : 60ml ether & water :
KD  = ------------- = X1 = ----------- =

For 50 : 50ml water & ether :
              KD  = ------------- = X2  = ----------- =

For 60 : 40ml ether & water :

            KD  = ------------- = X3  = ----------- =

                x1 + x2 +  x3
Mean = ------------------ = ------------------- =

V2  = Organic Layer
V1 = aqueous Layer

               The distribution co-efficient or partition co-efficient of benzoic acid between ether and water is ------


                       i) The bottles ware washed cleand and dried carefully .

                       ii) The shaking was contained at least for an hour .

                       iii) The titration process was done carefully .

                     iv) The reading of the burette was observed carefully and noted the end points of the pipette pushed up to the bottomof the bottle with putting the thumb at the upper end of the pipette and carefully observed that the aqueous layer not enter into the pipette .
Benzoic Acid Benzoic Acid Reviewed by M H Islam on 10:27 AM Rating: 5
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